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4 Things Not to Say to a Loved One With Anxiety


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions in America. Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. adults will experience one in a given year.

If you’ve never experienced clinical anxiety — that is, anxiety that goes beyond a healthy response to a stressor — it can be hard to understand someone who is experiencing it, says Helen Egger, MD, a cofounder and the chief medical and scientific officer at Little Otter, a virtual family mental health care platform.

Occasional jitters or worries are a normal part of life. The difference with an anxiety disorder is that the person experiences symptoms often, for an extended period, and those symptoms cause significant distress. Symptoms vary from person to person and across anxiety conditions and can include:

  • Difficulty managing feelings of anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Headaches, muscle aches, or pains with no other apparent cause
  • Irritability
  • Panic attacks — periods of intense and sudden fear or feeling a loss of control despite no clear immediate danger
  • Often feeling restless or on edge
  • Sleep problems
  • Sweating, trembling, or racing heartbeat
  • Feelings of self-consciousness or fear of others’ negative judgment

Even though you might not understand everything someone with anxiety is going through, you can provide reassurance and help ease their angst. But even with the best of intentions, it’s not uncommon to inadvertently say or do things that hurt more than help, says Joanne Frederick, a licensed mental health counselor in private practice in Washington, DC.

Your words have the power to help or hurt someone with this condition. “Knowing the right things to say to a person who has an anxiety disorder can make a huge difference to the person who is struggling,” Dr. Egger says.

So, what shouldn’t you say to someone with anxiety — and, just as important, what can you say to be helpful? Experts advise avoiding these four phrases.


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