
6 Ways to Tell If Your Doctor’s Office Is Trans-Friendly


Finding a primary care doctor, specialist, or even a dentist can be a tedious trial-and-error process for anyone, but even more so for members of the transgender community, who can face discomfort and discrimination from healthcare providers.

The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, published by the National Center for Transgender Equality, for instance, found that one-third of trans respondents who’d seen a specialist in the previous year reported a negative experience related to being trans, and that 23 percent of respondents had not gone to the doctor when they needed to in the previous year because they feared being mistreated as a trans person.

What’s more, healthcare providers are not generally well trained in issues that affect trans patients. According to a press release, a 2019 nationwide survey of oncologists by the NYU School of Medicine and the Moffitt Cancer Center, for example, found that nearly 83 percent of participants said they felt comfortable treating transgender patients, but only 37 percent said they were adequately trained to do so.

How can a trans person screen for healthcare providers and facilities that will be both welcoming and capable of serving their healthcare needs? Here are six tips that can improve the chances of a successful search.


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