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7 Foods to Avoid With Multiple Sclerosis


2. Trans Fats and MS

You should also skip foods with trans fats, such as commercially baked cookies, crackers, and pies, as well as other packaged products. “We know that trans fats increase inflammation inside blood vessels, and thus could lead to cardiovascular problems,” says Amy Jamieson-Petonic, RD, a senior administrator at University Hospitals Primary Care Institute in Cleveland. Key words to look for on nutrition labels include “partially hydrogenated oil” and “shortening.”

3. Cow’s Milk and MS

Cow’s milk contains not only saturated fat but also proteins that may negatively impact some people who have MS, according to research. But reports are mixed.

For example, findings from a patient questionnaire found that people with MS who said they did not consume dairy were less likely to report recent disease activity and experienced less MS-related disability. But other research showed a link between higher dairy intake and reduced MS disability.

If you want to try eliminating cow’s milk from your diet to see if it helps your symptoms, make sure you’re getting plenty of calcium, protein, and vitamin D from other food sources. Soy milk, almond milk, and cashew milk have more calcium than cow’s milk, so they can be good alternatives, especially if you think you may be lactose intolerant, says Costello.

4. Sugar and MS

Too much sugar, especially in the form of sweets, can pack on the pounds. “You don’t want to increase your weight, because it’s going to make it more difficult for you to be mobile and perform activities of daily living,” says Jamieson-Petonic. Excess weight also increases fatigue, a common symptom of MS.

And when you overindulge in sweets, then crash after, not only does it contribute to fatigue but it can also bring on brain fog or make you feel moody, adds Costello.

5. Sodium and MS

While the jury is still out regarding the direct impact of sodium intake on MS, you should still take steps to shake the salt habit: Excess sodium can increase your blood pressure, and high blood pressure and other vascular conditions have been linked to a decreased life expectancy in people with MS, says Costello.

Aim for less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day if you’re otherwise healthy, or less than 1,500 mg if you have heart-health concerns, according to the American Heart Association.

RELATED: Do You Avoid Any Foods Because of MS? Share Your Diet Tips on Tippi for MS >>

6. Refined Carbs and MS

Steer clear of white rice, white bread, and many breakfast cereals. These processed carbohydrates can quickly elevate blood sugar levels and negatively affect your heart health.

Instead, switch to healthier options, such as whole-grain breads, brown rice, barley, and whole-wheat pasta. “We’ve seen in a couple of mostly observational, self-reported studies that people with MS whose diets are high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables have less walking problems and less reported overall disability,” explains Costello.

An added bonus: Whole grains are high in fiber, which can help you manage constipation — a symptom of MS — and keep the pounds off by helping you feel fuller longer.

7. Gluten and MS

Gluten is a protein found in some grains, including wheat, barley, and rye. People who have celiac disease, characterized by gluten intolerance, must skip gluten entirely to avoid intestinal damage, but many other people without celiac disease also find that they feel better overall when they eliminate gluten from their diet.

While there’s no evidence to suggest that avoiding gluten is beneficial for people who have MS but not celiac disease, “Reducing gluten may be an option if you’re not finding relief with other things,” says Jamieson-Petonic. Just choose wisely, as many gluten-free foods are highly processed. Adds Costello, “There are whole-grain options that are gluten-free.”


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