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8 Ways to Find Some Me Time When You’re Overbooked


In today’s constantly connected, hyper-digital age, where hordes of information and people are always at our fingertips, it can be difficult to tune out and turn off. But, with the ever-competing demands of work and taking care of your home, relationships, and in some cases kids or aging parents — not to mention the endless news cycle of disturbing headlines — allowing yourself to turn everything off for some sanity and me time is more important for our emotional health than ever.

Me time is an obligation, not an option, says Sheila Robinson-Kiss, LCSW, a social worker and founder of the Rebalancing America and Beyond initiative, a national platform of mental health education programs for individuals, groups, and organizations.

“Me time is our time to recharge,” she explains. It’s our time for self-care, which is everything we do to tend to our own physical and mental health and well-being. If we’re in a toxic state where self-care is concerned, everything we touch is going to be impacted by that imbalance, she says.

RELATED: How to Start a Self-Care Routine You’ll Follow


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