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Healthy Food Gift Recipes for Any Occasion


No matter the occasion, there is no better gift than food. Whether you’re welcoming someone to the neighborhood, celebrating a new baby, attending a party or potluck, or supporting someone through their grief, food gifts are incredibly common and much appreciated because they save someone the time and effort of preparing something to eat.

The only issue is, a lot of go-to food gifts tend to be rich and indulgent comfort foods— things like baked goods and casseroles. While those are fine in moderation, if someone is being inundated with food, as is often the case after any kind of special occasion, a healthy option could leave you both feeling great.

There are a few considerations to keep in mind when it comes to gifting healthy food. If you’re going to a party or potluck, you’ll want a food that can not only feed a crowd, but can also sit out at room temperature without increasing the risk of foodborne illness (aka food poisoning). You may also want to consider whether the recipient will be receiving a lot of food at once, in which case a dish that freezes well could be best. If you’re cooking for someone you don’t know particularly well, you may want to go with a dish that has as few of the top food allergens as possible. Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) notes that the top none food allergies are to wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, and so on), and sesame.

Of course, you want to gift something that will taste good, too. The following recipes are great for nourishing body and soul, and are great to keep on hand the next time you want to gift the ultimate gift.


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