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Temporary Lahaina school to receive world-class playground : Maui Now


February 9, 2024, 3:00 PM HST

Berliner Play Equipment

Hawaiʻi 3R’s is accepting playground equipment from the Berliner Play Equipment Corporation to be installed at the temporary Lahaina school campus in West Maui. The Germany-based company is donating the equipment to support students as they make a new start at the temporary site in upcoming weeks. 

The US Army Corps of Engineers is working toward completion of work on the $53.7 million school project to serve as the temporary replacement for the King Kamehameha III Elementary School, which was destroyed in the fire. The temporary site, near the Kapalua Airport, will be handed over to educators in late February. Classes for 600 students are expected to start April 1.

“We hope that the new playground, with its many play functions, will bring joy and laughter to the students and help them continue to grow Maui Strong,“ said David Koehler, Managing Owner, Berliner Play Equipment Corporation.


The playground is Berliner’s latest design in its WaggaWagga series, which is valued at over $200,000 – not including the shipping costs. The Lahaina temporary school will be the first school in the world to receive this playground design structure on its campus.

Other donors, including Maui United Way, are coming forward to ensure the playground is professionally installed. The Maui United Way committed funding toward the playground’s construction. 

Maui United Way President Nicholas Winfrey said, “We know that normalcy is what our keiki need right now which is why we felt it was so important to provide a safe place to play and just be kids.”


“We are so grateful to Berliner, Maui United Way and other contributors who are helping to ensure that our public school students in Lahaina will have a world-class playground to enjoy,” said Hawaiʻi 3R’s Executive Director Kalowena Komeiji. 

Source: Maui News

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