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Remote roadway at Alelele Point between Kaupō and Kīpahulu will be closed Feb. 13 : Maui Now


February 12, 2024, 10:54 AM HST

About a mile of remote county roadway at Alelele Point near Mile 39 in East Maui will be closed to all traffic from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, for geotechnical exploration work, the County of Maui Department of Public Works announced today.

Only local traffic in sedans and pickup trucks will have access once the work is completed. Visitor and commercial traffic are not allowed.

Erosion from recent heavy rains in the remote area of Alelele Point between Kaupō and Kīpahulu on the southeast side of Maui has made the roadway unstable for heavy trucks and equipment. The roadway was limited to local traffic in sedans and pickup trucks as of Jan. 30, 2024.


Recent rain conditions caused the makai edge of the road to collapse. A geotechnical engineering assessment has been conducted, which deemed the underlying ground not suitable for heavy traffic, according to the department.

Local traffic in sedans and pickup trucks are urged to avoid crossing the area when heavy rain or large surf is occurring.

In order to complete necessary repairs, the roadway at Alelele Point is expected to be closed for at least two months. The road will be open to local passenger vehicle traffic only during non-working hours once crews begin repair work. Conditions will be monitored daily.

Source: Maui News

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