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8 of the Best Support Organizations for Young Adults With Cancer


Though most cancer cases are diagnosed in adults over the age of 40, there’s been an increase in cancer rates in adolescents and young adults (ages 15 to 39), according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). An estimated 86,000 adolescents and young adults (AYAs) in the United States were diagnosed with cancer in 2023, the NCI reports, making up about 4 percent of all cancer cases in the country.

Some organizations have made it their mission to help AYAs with all types of cancer get through their diagnosis, treatment, and beyond. The following groups offer financial aid and research opportunities, while also aiming to foster meaningful connections through virtual and in-person support groups, one-on-one peer connections, and even adventurous excursions.

Read on to discover eight of the best organizations that support young people with cancer.

Cactus Cancer Society

Cactus Cancer Society provides an array of programs and events to suit young survivors and caregivers with different interests. From a book club and Lego-building, to art and journaling workshops, they strive to banish isolation in young people with cancer. Through their Awkward Auntie initiative, AYAs with cancer can ask any question they have about relationships and sex that they may feel hesitant to ask a provider in person.


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