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Nominations open for County’s annual Volunteer Hero Celebration of Service : Maui Now


February 16, 2024, 5:20 AM HST

A volunteer helps shovel wood chips at a burned Kula property (1.31.24). PC: JD Pells

The Maui County Volunteer Center, HandsOn Maui, announced the opening of the nomination period for its 2024 Volunteer Hero Celebration of Service. All registered nonprofits on Maui, Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi are encouraged to participate in celebrating the volunteers who significantly impact the organization’s work.

This year’s Celebration of Service includes changes such as an advanced nomination period, acknowledgment of the first 25 volunteers, and a shift to a dynamic digital celebration. During National Volunteer Month in April, Volunteer Heroes will be announced and celebrated through social media. The first 25 nominees will receive a Certificate of Recognition and a Volunteer Hero T-shirt.

Nominations may be submitted online at www.handsonmaui.com/nominate. The nomination period will remain open until March 5, 2024 or until 25 qualified nominations are received; whichever comes first.


“After an extraordinary year with thousands of Maui residents generously giving their time to community service, we are eager to recognize and celebrate 25 outstanding individuals as Volunteer Heroes,” said Wendy Stebbins, Volunteer Center Coordinator.

HandsOn Maui works to inspire, mobilize, and connect people to transform Maui County through volunteer service. For more information, call 808-270-7150 or visit www.handsonmaui.com.

Source: Maui News

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