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Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, and More


ACV and Type 2 Diabetes

Some research suggests that apple cider vinegar may have benefits for people with type 2 diabetes, though there’s a lack of high-quality research on the topic.

The above-mentioned meta-analysis found that 15 ml of ACV, taken daily over a period of at least eight weeks, significantly lowered fasting blood glucose levels in participants with type 2 diabetes.

But the research isn’t consistent across the board. An earlier small study found that 20 ml of ACV didn’t decrease the body’s glucose response following a carb-rich meal.

While some studies have suggested that ACV may help lower blood glucose, it’s important to remember that results can vary, and ACV is not a replacement for any medication you currently take. If you have type 2 diabetes, you should work closely with your healthcare team on the best way to control the condition, rather than relying on ACV.

ACV and Ulcerative Colitis

Taking diluted vinegar may help improve digestion, though there’s a lack of research supporting its use in chronic autoimmune conditions like ulcerative colitis (UC). One study reported that giving mice with UC diluted apple cider vinegar for a month lowered levels of inflammation in their colon and increased the amount of healthy bacteria in their gut. However, this was a single animal study, and researchers are far off from recommending it as a treatment for humans.

ACV and Inflammation

Some people suggest taking apple cider vinegar as a treatment to manage symptoms of inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). One explanation is that the vinegar may reduce inflammation and lessen symptoms. However, there are no studies that directly explore ACV as a therapy for RA, MS, or AS. Talk to your doctor if you have one of these conditions before trying ACV.

ACV and Skin Conditions

There may be limited benefits for the use of topical ACV on a variety of skin conditions. But experts caution against applying undiluted vinegar directly to skin, noting that this practice can cause chemical burns.

Even diluted ACV can irritate the skin.

Eczema While there is little to no scientific evidence that ACV may be helpful with eczema, it’s possible that applying ACV to skin can help restore the skin’s natural pH barrier, thanks to ACV’s natural acidity.

 But a study found that soaking eczema-affected skin in diluted ACV did not affect skin barrier integrity compared with a control group — and it actually caused mild skin irritation in most participants.

 Talk to your dermatologist before using ACV topically.

Psoriasis If you have scalp psoriasis, applying organic ACV to the area can help lessen the itch from scaly patches, a common symptom associated with the autoimmune condition. There are some considerations to make before using it: Use diluted vinegar to decrease the risk of burning, and don’t apply to any area of the skin that’s cracked or bleeding.

Learn More About Possible Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

ACV and Yeast Infections

Anecdotally, some have claimed that ACV may have some surprising properties for women’s health. But this has not been proven safe or effective, and experts caution against putting any vinegar in your vagina, as it can disrupt its natural pH balance. Vinegar can also cause burning and irritation when applied topically, and vinegar douches can increase your risk of infections.

Do not try this on your own without consulting your gynecologist first.


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