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Maui police to launch ‘Put the Phone Away or Pay’ campaign against distracted driving : Maui Now


March 28, 2024, 6:30 PM HST

Checkpoint, Maui. (PC: Maui Now Staff)

To address distracted driving and reduce avoidable crashes and driving fatalities, the Maui Police Department Traffic Division will be enforcing a zero-tolerance response to distracted driving and cell phone usage.

Beginning Monday, April 1, 2024, and continuing throughout the month, motorists will see heightened traffic enforcement as the MPD Traffic Division will take part in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s “Put the Phone Away or Pay,” distracted driving awareness enforcement event.  

Motorists can also expect saturation patrols, which will include the use of unmarked patrol vehicles, where there is a noticeable increase in traffic enforcement to address distracted driving (cell phone use) while driving.

We need our community to understand it is up to them to make the decision to put their phone down and buckle up while driving. Please help put an end to senseless and preventable crashes that have occurred on our roadways due to distracted driving.

Source: Maui News

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