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Global Stroke Deaths Are Expected to Skyrocket in Coming Decades, New Report Says


The number of people who die of stroke worldwide is expected to increase by 50 percent by 2050, a new report warns.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, 15 million people globally have a stroke. Of those, about 5 million die and another 5 million become permanently disabled.

Although stroke outcomes have drastically improved in the United States over the past few decades — stroke deaths have moved from the third to the fifth leading cause of death, per data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — those strides are not evenly distributed around the world. WHO data shows that since 2005, the global probability that a person will have a stroke has increased by 50 percent. It’s also the second leading cause of death worldwide.

The new report, published October 9, 2023, in the Lancet Neurology, projects low- and middle-income countries will experience the worst stroke burden in the coming years, and that more strokes will occur in everyone, including increasingly in younger people, regardless of where a person lives.


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