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Puffy and Swollen Eyelid Treatment: Home Remedies


Whether you’re out in the fresh spring air or cleaning your dusty basement, allergens run amok throughout the year. They trigger allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, stuffy and runny nose — and swollen eyes. Allergies can cause the eyes to swell and become red, itchy, watery, and really uncomfortable.

“The reason people have swollen eyes from allergies is they’re getting contact in the eyes from airborne allergens,” says Princess Ogbogu, MD, the director of the division of pediatric allergy, immunology, and rheumatology at the University Hospitals in Cleveland.

“Basically, when the allergens hit your eyes, they sort of dissolve in your tears,” says Dr. Ogbogu. “They have contact with the lining of the eye [the conjunctiva], and they react with antibodies that are bound to cells in your eyes.” These antibodies cause the body to release histamine — which also causes nasal congestion that often accompanies swollen eyes.

The allergens doing this damage include outdoor allergens such as pollen and molds, and indoor allergens such as pet dander and indoor molds.


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