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Natural At-Home Treatments and Remedies for Psoriasis


Whether it’s from a friend, a colleague, or a psoriasis support group member, you may frequently hear about a home remedy or complementary psoriasis treatment and be tempted to try it. These do-it-yourself remedies, when used alongside your traditional psoriasis treatment, may offer temporary relief from some psoriasis symptoms.

But there’s little scientific evidence to suggest that psoriasis home remedies work, says Stefan C. Weiss, MD, a dermatologist at the Weiss Skin Institute in Boca Raton, Florida. Still, you may find at least temporary relief by following some of these suggestions — and, as Dr. Weiss points out, it won’t hurt to try. Just be sure to consult with your doctor first.

Potential home remedies may include modifications to your diet — such as drinking more water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables — that are good for your general well-being, along with improving your psoriasis and relieving some of its symptoms.

Many people believe that activities such as yoga can relieve psoriasis flares and pain by reducing stress, which is known to trigger symptoms. “It’s impossible to avoid all stress in our lives,” says Colby Evans, MD, a dermatologist in Austin, Texas, and a member of the board of trustees of the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF).

Stress management techniques — whether it’s prioritizing daily tasks, getting enough sleep, or connecting with support groups — can relieve a lot of those psoriasis-triggering feelings. Some people also believe that Dead Sea salt baths can alleviate the itching and burning associated with psoriasis.

Then there are spices and supplements that may provide antipsoriasis benefits. Despite the lack of scientific evidence, psoriasis patients have reported some success with healthy oils like those found in avocado, coconut, fish, and flaxseed.

Whatever the home remedy, it’s important that you discuss treatment options with your healthcare providers. Do-it-yourself therapies should not be used as a replacement for your prescribed medications and treatments, but may be helpful additions to your overall psoriasis management regimen. Check out these 10 ideas for treatments that you can talk to your doctor about.


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