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Dog fosters needed; Maui kennels are full : Maui Now


November 12, 2023, 7:22 AM HST

Maui Humane Society reached over 100% capacity in its dog kennels last week. The facility reports it can care for 40 dogs at the shelter but have over 60 in the shelter and over 130 in its care total.

“We need dog fosters ASAP,” organization leaders said in an email newsletter update. “If you have been considering fostering or adopting, now is the time.”

Maui Humane Society has been in emergency response mode since the August wildfires.


“By simply fostering one dog who will vacate a kennel, you are giving another dog the opportunity to have a safe place to receive medical care, potentially be reunited with its owner or be adopted. In essence, you are potentially saving the life of a dog who needs help,” according to MHS.

As an SOS Foster, prior fostering experience is not needed. Interested families and individuals can come to the shelter any day of the week from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Staff can help find a dog that will best fit respective ʻohana, and get them all the supplies needed.

For those who would like to foster a dog and already have their own dog(s) at home, they are asked to bring the dog(s) down to the shelter so staff can help introduce the dogs to each other.


“Our dogs need you more than ever to get them out of their stressful kennel environments and into a quiet and loving home. Even if you can only foster for a few days, our dogs will truly benefit from it,” according to MHS.

Dogs available for foster/adoption are posted online here.

Source: Maui News

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