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Sex, Health, and Aging: Let’s Talk About It


Sex can be an uncomfortable topic of conversation for some, and in some places, an uncomfortable conversation for most. Add in a health consideration, and the conversation almost always stops.

I’ve written in the past about sex and multiple sclerosis (MS) for the National MS Society’s MS Blog, and more recently hosted a webcast with two medical professionals on the topic.

Some Recent Writings on Sex, Aging, and Hypertension

Two pieces of reporting came across my screen in recent weeks, both of which had to do with sexual relations in the context of other health considerations. They got me thinking that it may be time to talk about it again

The first, an opinion piece for Medscape by medical ethicist Arthur L. Caplan, PhD, addressed sex and aging while living in a nursing home. The specific topic was about a woman’s discomfort with the fact that her mother, a consenting adult with mild dementia, was engaging in sexual activity. It brought to light the rather prudish attitudes some have toward sex in our advanced years.


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