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Maui Health donates 4,600 pounds of turkey and rice to Maui Food Bank : Maui Now


Maui Health donates 4,600 pounds of turkey and rice to Maui Food Bank.

Maui Health continued its annual holiday tradition of giving by donating more than 4,600 combined pounds of turkey, vegetarian roast, and rice to the Maui Food Bank. The donation was delivered on Monday, and included nearly 250 frozen turkeys and vegetarian roasts, and a full pallet of 15-pound bags of rice.

“We strive to be good community partners and together with the incredible people at Maui Food Bank and the many other vital organizations they serve, we can all continue in our mission to care for our community,” said Maui Health Human Resources Director Tara Cole.

The holidays are the busiest time of the year for Maui Food Bank, which supports not only individuals but also organizations like Women Helping Women and The Salvation Army.


“This year after the devastating fires our community needs us more than ever,” said Brandi Saragosa, Maui Food Bank Director of Operations. “We are so grateful for our partners like Maui Health; their support each year helps ensure so many families in need across Maui County can enjoy a holiday meal together.”

Maui Health loads pallet of rice into MFB truck 2023

The annual Maui Food Bank donation helps to kick off Maui Health’s holiday celebrations including its annual employee turkey distribution which took place last week.

Employees at Maui Memorial Medical Center, Maui Memorial Outpatient Clinic and Wound Care Clinic, and Kula Hospital, each received a turkey, veggie roast, or rice, which has been a much-loved tradition for many years. Lānaʻi Community Hospital employees were gifted a ham. Many staff members also chose to donate their turkeys or bags of rice to the Maui Food Bank.


“We look forward to this every year because it gives us the opportunity to share our gratitude with our employees for their hard work,” said Maui Health HR Director Tara Cole. “What makes it even more special is being able to support the Maui Food Bank; the work they do is truly incredible.”

Source: Maui News

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