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General Contractors Association of Hawaiʻi raises $50,000 for Domestic Violence Action Center : Maui Now


From left: Cheryl Walthall, General Contractors Association of Hawaiʻi executive director; Lani Moore, Domestic Violence Action Center manager of marketing and development; Monique Ibarra, Domestic Violence Action Center CEO; and Steve Baginski, General Contractors Association of Hawaiʻi president. (PC: General Contractors Association of Hawaiʻi)

Members of the General Contractors Association of Hawaiʻi, the state’s largest construction association, raised $50,077 for the Domestic Violence Action Center, exceeding its $50,000 fundraising goal. The funds were raised in approximately three months.

Each year, the association’s president selects a nonprofit organization for the membership to support as part of its “Give Back to the Community” program.

This year’s association president, Kaikor Construction Group president and CEO Steve Baginski, chose the Domestic Violence Action Center because of his personal connection to the nonprofit organization. His wife, Kaleo, a respected construction industry professional, had a sister, just three years older than her, who was stabbed to death by her own husband. 


“My kids were close to Kaleo’s sister, who was living in Hawaiʻi at the time. She was their number one aunty. There is a ripple effect. When someone loses their life, there are so many others who are affected,” said Baginski. “I appreciate the generosity of the GCA members in supporting DVAC.” 

The Domestic Violence Action Center offers a broad range of services for those suffering from domestic violence to include a victim legal helpline call center, legal representation, housing, survivor support groups, education and awareness programs, and culturally specific client services. 

“There is a great need for our services. You may not always hear about domestic violence incidents because victims may be ashamed or afraid to speak openly about their experiences,” said Monique Ibarra, the centerʻs CEO. “But based on the growing number of people who require assistance from DVAC, we are filling an important need in our community. We appreciate the generosity of the GCA members. Their support means a lot to those who reach out to DVAC for help.”  

Source: Maui News

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