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Governor names Miyake as state House Representative for Maui District 10 vacancy : Maui Now


Newly appointed Rep. Tyson Miyake of Maui. PC: Office of Gov. Josh Green / screen grab (12.15.23)

Governor Josh Green today appointed Tyson K. Miyake as the new Representative to the State House, filling the District 10 vacancy created by the movement of former Rep. Troy Hashimoto to the state Senate.

Miyake was a former Chief of Staff to Mayor Victorino during the past County administration.

New Rep. Miyake said he is humbled and honored by the selection. “I look forward to working with the governor, Speaker Saiki, and my colleagues in the legislature to move Hawaiʻi forward, and most especially rebuild a resilient Maui,” he said.


Miyake was among a list of three individuals whose names were sent to the governor for consideration. Others considered were Timothy Scott Lara, a local entrepreneur, and community leader; and Leslee D. Matthews, a social worker and local attorney.

In making the appointment, Gov. Green said, “He’ll be able to hit the ground running, and in many ways, he and Troy (Hashimoto) are going to be two of the foundational leaders this legislative session as much of what we talk about is going to be focused on Maui’s recovery.”

Sen. Hashimoto thanked the governor for moving through the process expeditiously to make sure Maui had representation, especially as members gear up for a critical legislative session. “I look forward to having a great partner. I’ve known Tyson for many, many years. He’ll be a great addition to the Maui delegation,” said Sen. Hashimoto.

Wendy Osher

Wendy Osher leads the Maui Now news team. She is also the news voice of parent company, Pacific Media Group, having served more than 20 years as News Director for the company’s six Maui radio stations.
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Source: Maui News

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