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‘Big Bang Theory’ Star Kate Micucci Shares Lung Cancer Diagnosis on TikTok


The Big Bang Theory actor Kate Micucci, 43, shocked fans by announcing on TikTok that she has lung cancer despite never smoking cigarettes. But she’s actually one of a growing number of young female nonsmokers to develop this disease.

Micucci, appearing in a hospital gown the day after she had lung cancer surgery, jokingly declared: “This is not a TikTok, it’s a SickTok.”

Then she described a scenario that is happening to more and more younger adults — especially women. “It’s really weird, because I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life so, uh, you know, it was a surprise,” Micucci said in the clip she posted on December 8. “But I guess it happens, and so the greatest news is they caught it early, they got it out — I’m all good.”

While the vast majority of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking cigarettes, as many as 1 in 5 cases happen in people who never smoked or who smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes over their entire lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Out of up to about 40,000 new lung cancer cases each year, roughly 7,300 cases are due to secondhand smoke exposure and about 2,900 are caused by radon, the CDC notes.


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