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This Psoriasis Treatment Experiment Went Horribly Wrong


As long as I’ve lived with psoriasis I’ve suffered from seasonal allergies. In fact I’ve been diagnosed with what’s called the “atopic triad” — eczema, seasonal allergies, and asthma. (“Atopy” means a genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.)

To ease my allergy symptoms, my allergists have suggested I try allergy shots (immunotherapy). But I balked at the time commitment of going to the clinic every week for the shots, and I couldn’t find a lot of evidence that allergy shots would benefit my eczema.

Still, I figured that if the shots helped my allergies, which can trigger my asthma, then they might be worth a try.

I also wondered if allergy shots might help my psoriasis too.


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