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NOAA Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassador Program seeks applicants : Maui Now


December 28, 2023, 7:16 AM HST

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is looking for youth who are passionate about the ocean and the natural environment.

The NOAA Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassador program provides a new level of engagement for youth aged 13-18 committed to ocean conservation and stewardship of the planet.

The program provides a way to develop skills needed to engage in conservation and stewardship opportunities. Participants also have a chance to connect with like-minded youth and become an environmental leaders.


Applications for the new NOAA Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassador Program are available online. The deadline to apply is Jan. 5, 2024. 

“We are looking for enthusiastic youth with new ideas and a unique perspective to learn more about America’s underwater treasures and to share their passion with others. Together we can make a difference in the conservation and stewardship of the ocean through marine protected areas, and enhanced ocean and climate literacy,” according to NOAA.

Source: Maui News

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