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A Guide to Using the Nicotine Patch


Although an estimated 68 percent of smokers want to quit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, stress, and associated weight gain can all thwart their ability to kick the habit. (Nicotine is a particularly addictive drug that’s an ingredient in cigarettes; withdrawal symptoms include headaches and anxiety.) The good news is that there are many tools at your disposal to help you quit and stay that way — and when you combine them, they may be even more effective.

One of these tools is the nicotine patch, a type of nicotine replacement therapy. A nicotine patch works by releasing a measured dose of nicotine into the skin, helping to wean smokers off their nicotine addiction and lessen the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Here’s what you need to know about trying a nicotine patch for yourself.

Where Can I Find a Nicotine Patch?

Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the over-the-counter sale of nicotine patches in 1996, they were available only by prescription. Nicotine patches are now available at a wide variety of stores, for about $4 a day or less if you use a generic brand.


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