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AARP Hawaiʻi announces $625,000 in grants to support Maui wildfire victims : Maui Now


November 20, 2023, 2:58 PM HST

AARP Hawaiʻi today announced grants totaling $625,000 from AARP Foundation that will go to local organizations providing relief assistance to older victims of the recent Maui wildfires. The wildfires took the lives of at least 100 people and destroyed thousands of homes and businesses.

“These donations will help kupuna remain housed and fed and will help them rebuild as Maui recovers from the wildfires that destroyed Lahaina and homes in Kula,” said Kealiʻi Lopez, AARP Hawaiʻi State Director. “Mahalo to AARP Foundation and its donors for their generosity.”

AARP Foundation’s grants will be given to organizations offering direct aid and legal services in the state, including:

  • Hawai’i Community Foundation – Maui Strong Fund to distribute financial support to organizations involved in relief efforts;
  • Maui United Way to provide direct financial assistance to individuals and supporting organizations with relief and recovery efforts; and
  • Legal Aid Society of Hawai’i to provide legal assistance on housing and consumer matters, FEMA claims and appeals, document replacement, income protection, and other short and long-term support.

“When disaster strikes, like with the Maui wildfires, we know that older adults with low income are among the most vulnerable,” said AARP Foundation President Claire Casey. “These funds will help local organizations address the ongoing needs of Maui re­sidents impacted by the fires’ widespread damage who will need support for months and years to come.”


For more information on AARP Foundation and its wildfire relief efforts, visit www.aarpfoundation.org/disasterrelief.

Source: Maui News

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