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ALBION SC Hawaiʻi soccer girls design, sell stickers to help fellow teammates affected by Maui fires : Maui Now


December 18, 2023, 12:24 PM HST

ALBION SC Hawaiʻi soccer girls design and sell stickers to help fellow teammates Affected by Maui Fires

A team of nine-year old soccer girls raised funds for fellow soccer players affected by the Maui wildfires by designing and selling stickers.

It all started one evening after practice when a few soccer girls came up with the idea to make and sell stickers to help the people of Lahaina. The girls brought up the idea to their parents who helped make their idea into a reality.

“I was so proud of them,” said one soccer mom. “To know that they came up with this project on their own to help their community, just touched my heart. They were all so excited to do this.”


The girls got together at one of the player’s homes, designed their stickers, and voted on their favorites to sell. The following week at a soccer game, the girls went around to the spectators to sell their stickers. 

Not only did this sticker project raise $422 for the 55 Albion soccer families who lost homes, businesses, jobs, and even family members, but the project also raised the spirit of community service in the hearts of these young girls. 

To support the Albion Hawaiʻi Soccer Club players and their famlies who were affected by the Maui wildfires, visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-our-maui-ohana.

Source: Maui News

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