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Am I Destined to Get Alzheimer’s? An Expert Q&A With Dr. Dean Ornish


Maybe you have a family member with dementia, or you’ve had your DNA tested and found you carry the Alzheimer’s gene, as Dean Ornish, MD, found with his own results. The founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute and UCSF clinical professor of medicine is considered the “father” of lifestyle medicine. He pioneered research showing how diet and exercise can reverse heart disease, and Medicare even covers his Ornish Lifestyle Medicine heart disease program now. Recently, Dr. Ornish spoke at the American College of Lifestyle Medicine Conference in Denver and sat down with Everyday Health to share how changing our lifestyle can also help prevent Alzheimer’s.

Everyday Health: How strong is the evidence that just by what you eat and how much you move, you can change your genetic destiny?

Dean Ornish, MD: The studies that Dr. Miia Kivipelto has done at the Karolinska Institutet (the FINGER study and others) have shown that people who have dementia who make changes can significantly slow the rate of dementia. We know from Alzheimer’s, the earlier you can get involved in it, the better the outcome is going to be. So the answer is yes, there’s a lot you can do!

Fortunately, the same changes that can help prevent and even reverse Alzheimer’s are the same ones that can help reverse and prevent some of the other chronic diseases. And unlike some of the drugs, which can have really horrible side effects, the only side effects of lifestyle changes are really good ones.


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