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Can Calming Mantras Ease Depression?


If you’ve ever attended a yoga or meditation class, you may have heard the instructor mention a mantra. Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning “a tool for the mind” or “an instrument of thought.”

Mantras — which have roots in Hinduism and Buddhism — have historically been sacred or calming sounds that can aid meditation and similar practices, according to research published in the International Journal of Yoga. Some claim that the term has been co-opted to include self-affirming statements that help people cope with life’s difficulties, according to Intermountain Health, a nonprofit healthcare system serving communities in the Intermountain West, including Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Kansas.

Mantras can have a number of health benefits, including mental health benefits. In fact, research shows that using mantras may help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life among people with certain mental health conditions like depression.

What Are Mantras?

A mantra is a sound, word, or phrase, that is repeated — either silently or out loud — as a form of meditation or self-soothing, says Avigail Lev, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist and certified mediator who specializes in evidence-based practices related to depression, anxiety, and trauma, and owner of the Bay Area CBT Center in California.


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