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Can Vitamins and Supplements Help Psoriasis Symptoms?


I’ve finally accepted that I’m not 35 years old. In my mind I see myself as a young, active person who is ready to conquer the world. But my body tells me that I’m squarely middle-aged. That truth hit home when I shopped at Costco last month.

As I walked along the pharmacy aisle, I noticed vitamins on sale specifically for people who are over 50. I’d considered buying a bottle before as part of a tweak to try during Psoriasis Action Month. A quick call to my wife confirmed that this was a good idea.

Starting on a daily multivitamin felt harmless enough. But a few days into my new routine I decided to do a little research to see if these pills, or other kinds of dietary supplements, might improve my psoriasis as well as my overall health.

Checking In With My Dermatologist

I like to use the notes app on my phone to write down questions to ask my healthcare providers at my next appointment. The topic of supplements landed on my list for my next visit with Christie Carroll, MD.


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