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Coast Guard seeks help in locating sailboat Malulani and boater Noel Rubio, 60 : Maui Now


February 2, 2024, 4:45 PM HST
* Updated February 2, 4:54 PM

Malulani sailboat. PC: US Coast Guard

The US Coast Guard is seeking the maritime community’s assistance in locating 60-year-old mariner Noel Rubio and the sailboat Malulani.

The 32-foot vessel is a Westsail sloop that departed Long Beach, Calif., on Dec. 28, en route to Kāneʻohe, Oʻahu. The boat is crewed by Rubio, and had a planned arrival date of Jan. 18.

The Coast Guard is using all available means to determine the Malulani’s location, including urgent marine information broadcasts and harbor checks in California, Hawaiʻi and Mexico. Rubio last made contact via cellphone Dec. 28, from south of Catalina Island, Calif., informing a friend that he was en route to Hawaiʻi. The only means of communication aboard the vessel is a VHF-FM marine band radio.

Noel Rubio, 60, was due to arrive in Hawaiʻi on Jan. 18, 2024. (US Coast Guard photo)

“The Coast Guard is greatly appreciative of the expert consult advice on weather and routes provided by experienced trans-Pacific sailors,” said Douglas Samp, a search and rescue mission coordinator in the Rescue Coordination Center Alameda. “Mariners intending to conduct an open ocean passage are highly encouraged to have multiple layers of communication, including a VHF-FM DSC radio, HF DSC radio, satellite communications and a 406Mhz electronic position indicating radio beacon as the notification of last resort to help SAR authorities locate your position in a time of need.”

The Coast Guard asks the public to report any information or sightings of the S/V Malulani or Noel Rubio to JRCC Alameda at 510-437-3701, [email protected] or JRCC Honolulu at 808-535-3333, [email protected].   

Source: Maui News

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