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Common Cholesterol Mistakes


If you’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol, you may have taken steps to retool your daily routines to make them healthier, by eating a healthy diet, exercising, and, if your doctor prescribed cholesterol-lowering medications, taking them consistently.

But could there be something you’ve missed that could be sabotaging your success as you work to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease? Here are 8 things that may be working against your efforts to reduce cholesterol and some ideas for smart steps to get you back on track.

Mistake 1: You’re not paying attention to the sugar and alcohol in your diet.

When you get a high-cholesterol diagnosis, it’s understandable — and correct — that you’d focus on limiting the saturated and trans fats in your diet. But it’s also important to look at the amount of sugar and alcohol you’re consuming, which also contribute to high cholesterol, says Erin Donnelly Michos, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and director of women’s cardiovascular health at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, in Baltimore.

That’s because your body turns excess calories from sugar and alcohol into cholesterol and triglycerides, which can contribute to unhealthy cholesterol levels in your blood. “People don’t realize that this is why their numbers are not getting any better, even though they’re reducing fat and exercising,” says Dr. Michos.


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