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Doctors Dismissed My Pelvic Pain for Years — Until I Was Diagnosed With Ovarian Cancer 


For about a decade, Connie Bell, 38, dealt with heavy periods. She also had unexplained pelvic pain, which her doctors attributed to either irritable bowel syndrome or interstitial cystitis. “They told me, ‘This is just the way your body is,’” she says.

For a long time, Bell accepted that as true.

But things started to get worse starting in November of 2021. Bell, then 36, experienced intense cramping and greater pelvic pain than she was used to, seemingly out of nowhere. At the time, she was taking birth control pills and didn’t get periods while on them. But the pain prompted her to stop taking the pills, with the idea that menstruating might make her feel better.

She was wrong. The period she got the following month was so intense it left her doubled over, and it lasted for over two weeks. Bell was so used to being told that it was just what her body did that she didn’t call her doctor. Her pain returned to baseline in January, but in February, she had another period that left her doubled over for weeks. Now accustomed to life with some level of pain, she decided to wait to discuss her concerns with her gynecologist until her annual exam in May.


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