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Expert Tips on Choosing a Migraine App


Like it or not, our smartphones have become crucial tools for managing many aspects of our lives. Calls and text messages aside, we often rely on phone apps to keep track of meetings, school calendars, breaking news, bills, daily steps, favorite photos, and more.

Most U.S. adults are also using apps to manage their health, although not as many as in 2020 during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to EMarketer, a company that provides analytics and insight into digital marketing, nearly 2 out of 3 survey respondents reported using a health or fitness app in the past 12 months in two surveys conducted in December 2022 and January 2023. Out of those who used a health or fitness app, nearly 6 out of 10 reported doing so daily.

Migraine Apps’ Capabilities Are Evolving

If you’re searching for an app to help you manage migraine disease, it pays to do a little homework before jumping in. Even if the app is free, it will require some effort and input on your part.

The capabilities of apps have evolved over time, says Mia T. Minen, MD, MPH, a neurologist and researcher who specializes in headache medicine at NYU Langone Health in New York City.


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