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Finding a New Perspective on Halloween


I do not like Halloween; it’s just not my thing. I just never got what the fuss was all about. It struck me almost like a Hallmark holiday, but way more expensive and expansive. Ghouls, ghosts, and gore: Yawn.

I’m the one who leaves the house to avoid trick-or-treaters, or if I do stay home, convince my husband to dole out sweets to the slew of candy beggars.

I’m not completely against Halloween: When my children were of age, I participated fully, stocking up on M&Ms, Heath Bars, Snickers (and all the other sweets I blame my bad teeth for), and encouraging them to be ghosts, ghouls, gangsters, or whatever their little hearts desired. But once I became an empty-nester, all bets were off.

So, why was I combing the aisles of the local Halloween pop-up shop searching for the right combination of scars, scabs, blood, and guts so I could dress like a zombie?


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