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Food Swaps for a Healthy Ulcerative Colitis Diet


If you have ulcerative colitis (UC), food can have an unpredictable effect on your digestive system. Tomatoes or onions, for example, may irritate one person’s stomach, but not trigger the same symptoms in someone else.

Still, even though there is no specific UC diet, there are some foods, generally speaking, that can worsen a flare and should be avoided.

“Eating insoluble fiber like nuts, seeds, peels of fruits, and raw veggies only further irritates an ulcerated, inflamed colon [during a flare],” says Stacy Asimes, a registered dietitian for the Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic.

If you have UC, you may feel helpless against flare-ups, wondering if you’ll ever be able to enjoy normal food again. But, dietary and lifestyle modifications may help control your symptoms and extend the time between flares. Here are seven food swaps to help minimize symptoms and keep you in remission.


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