
Gargling Salt Water Could Lower COVID-19 Hospitalization Risk


Rinsing your throat or nose with a salt water (saline) solution may help protect against severe COVID-19 infection, based on a new study presented this week at the annual meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) in Anaheim, California.

The research found that the risk of hospitalization for people with the virus who regularly gargled with salt water or used it as a nasal rinse (as with a neti pot) was significantly lower than for individuals in a reference group who did not follow a saline regimen.

“The rate of hospitalization was much more in our reference population who did not use a salt rinse,” says study coauthor Jimmy Espinoza, MD, in the department of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at UTHealth’s McGovern Medical School in Houston. “The findings indicate a possible association between a saline regimen and improved respiratory symptoms from coronavirus infection. Future studies are needed to see if our results can be replicated.”

Previous analysis has suggested that gargling or flushing nasal passages with salt water may promote a shedding of the virus and infected cells or possibly cause some inactivation of the infection.


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