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Governor’s Office releases ‘The Hawaiʻi We Deserve’ policy report : Maui Now


The Office of Gov. Josh Green has released “The Hawai‘i We Deserve” policy report to details the Green Administration’s plans for Maui’s wildfire recovery and other pressing issues facing Hawai‘i residents. PC: Office of Gov. Josh Green

The Office of Gov. Josh Green has released ‘The Hawai‘i We Deserve’ policy report, which is presented as a comprehensive outline of the Green Administration’s plans to confront key issues facing the state of Hawai‘i.

The two-part report builds on priorities outlined in Gov. Green’s Jan. 22 annual State of the State Address.

The report details initiatives to assist Maui’s recovery in the aftermath of the August wildfires, and it proposes new strategies and proposals to help Hawaiʻi prepare for and respond to future disasters, strengthening the state’s overall resilience.


The Maui plans include the One ‘Ohana Initiative that Green announced on Nov. 30. The initiative includes $100 million for the Maui Relief Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; an updated siren policy through the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency; the wildfire safety strategy of Hawaiian Electric Co.; a Maui recovery fund; and other efforts.

The Maui Recovery Fund brings together the state of Hawai‘i, Maui County, Hawaiian Electric Co., Kamehameha Schools and Spectrum Inc. to contribute to a $175 million fund to support to Maui wildfire survivors who lost loved ones or suffered severe injuries. The One ‘Ohana Maui Wildfire Compensation Fund opened March 1. For more information, visit www.mauicompensationfund.com.

Another initiative is the Maui Interim Housing Plan. It includes securing at least 3,000 housing units with 18-month commitments (not limited to short-term rentals) and moving displaced individuals and families from temporary hotels into stable housing solutions by July 2024.


The plan commits $500 million to develop interim housing. the State of Hawai‘i has joined Maui County, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation, the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Red Cross in signing a memorandum of understanding that commits their collective resources to create the interim housing plan. 

The report also lists the following as being the most pressing concerns facing Hawai‘i’s residents: 

  • Cost of living: Expands proposals of the Green Affordability Plan to address Hawaiʻi’s high cost of living, making everyday essentials more accessible for residents. 
  • Housing: Addressing the housing crisis with proposals for supporting infrastructure to widen affordable housing options while promoting homeownership. 
  • Homelessness: Through the Kauhale Initiative, the Green Administration outlines active strategies to strategically reduce homelessness across Hawai‘i. 
  • Economic policy: The governor identifies ways to diversify Hawai‘i’s economy through educational and international engagement opportunities. 
  • Good government: Priorities for improved government efficiency and transparency focus on taking practical steps to encourage careers in public service.

“As we work through the 2024 Legislative session, my administration stands ready to prioritize the well-being of all Hawai‘i residents,” Gov. Green stated. “This briefing report reflects the collective voices of our communities, outlining actions reflective of a shared vision for a brighter future.”

Source: Maui News

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