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Local NewsNews

High surf warning in effect for north-facing shores of Maui : Maui Now


The National Weather Service has issued a high surf warning for the north-facing shores of Maui, and for the north- and west-facing shores of Molokaʻi, Kauaʻi, Oʻahu and Niʻihau, until 6 a.m. on Monday.

A large northwest swell (at 320 degrees) will build Saturday night and peak during the day on Sunday at High Surf Warning levels. The swell will then slowly decline on Sunday night into early next week.

Map: National Weather Service

Surf will build to 20 to 30 feet along north-facing shores and 15 to 20 feet along west-facing shores.

People should expect strong breaking waves and powerful currents. Waves that are breaking in channel entrances may make navigating the channels dangerous.


The Maui Emergency Management Agency advises people to stay away from the shoreline along the affected coasts and be prepared for road closures. People should also postpone entering or leaving channels affected by the high surf until the surf subsides.

Source: Maui News

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