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How to Describe Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms to Your Doctor


What to Do (and Avoid) When Describing Your MS Symptoms

The first rule of thumb is to be open and descriptive when speaking to your doctor. These strategies can help you communicate more effectively with your MS care team.

Do: Be Honest if You Ever Skip or Miss Doses of Your Medications

You may not want to disappoint your doctor by telling them that you haven’t stuck to your treatment regimen, but it’s very important to share this information. “If you’re not taking your medication — because you have side effects from it, or it’s hard for you to keep up with the schedule, or there’s some other reason — your doctor needs to know that,” says Dr. Giesser.

Not taking your medication consistently can affect your MS symptoms. Let’s say your doctor prescribes disease-modifying therapies to slow the progression of MS. If they notice more scars on your next MRI or that your next neurological exam is worse, your doctor may assume the medication isn’t working if you don’t tell them you haven’t been taking it.

“We don’t judge,” says Giesser. “It’s okay if you haven’t been compliant with your medication, but try to tell us why, so we can help you figure out a way to take your meds regularly.”

Don’t: Stay Silent About Supplements, Alcohol, and Recreational Drugs

Any nonprescription medications and supplements you’re taking may affect how well your prescription MS treatments work. “Some of them can interact with prescription medications, and some of them might even be harmful,” says Giesser.

The same goes for alcohol and recreational drugs, including marijuana. “It’s important to tell your doctor about everything you’re putting into your body,” she notes.

Also, beware of any supplements that claim to ease MS symptoms. Unlike prescription medications, supplements aren’t regulated, which means their effects can be hard to predict. “If you don’t know what something does, it may be potentially risky to take it,” says Giesser. To play it safe, don’t take a supplement without first talking to your doctor about it.

Do: Be Specific About Your Symptoms

If you’ve been feeling more fatigued than usual, don’t say something vague like, “I’m more tired than before.” Instead, be as precise as you can, and say something like, “I now need 10 hours of sleep when I only used to need eight.”

When it comes to describing your pain, try to explain the quality and character of it, so your doctor can treat it better. “For example, if it’s prickly or stabby, it might be a nerve pain. If it’s tight or achy or pulling, it might be spasticity, which is treated differently,” says Giesser. “If it’s worse with movement or in a certain position, it might be a musculoskeletal issue.”

Don’t: Gloss Over How Much Your Symptoms Affect Your Day-to-Day Life

Neurological exams and MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) aren’t the only measures of how you’re doing. Your doctor also needs to know the impact MS has on your day-to-day life. “If there’s a specific symptom or a problem that’s impacting your ability to do your everyday activities, let your doctor know about that,” says Giesser.

For example, tell your doctor how often you cancel plans, don’t feel up to doing something, or have to force yourself out of bed.

Do: Keep a Log of Your Symptoms and Share It With Your Doctor

It’s a good idea to keep track of your MS symptoms. Mark down whether they are existing or new and what makes them better or worse. You can log this in a notebook, computer spreadsheet, or mobile app, such as the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America’s My MS Manager.

Before your next appointment, review your symptoms log and look for any patterns that stand out. Then, you can share your findings with your doctor.

It can be challenging to describe your MS symptoms, but doing so will help your doctor give you the best care they can. “Try to give your doctor as much information as possible,” says Giesser. “An abundance of information never hurts.”


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