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How to Reduce Your Arthritis Risk When You Have Ulcerative Colitis


Avoid These Pitfalls to Prevent Arthritis

Sometimes, the steps you don’t take are just as important as the ones you do.

Don’t ignore joint pain. Pain from UC and arthritis can feel similar, says Amar Naik, MD, an associate professor of medicine and the director of the inflammatory bowel disease program at Loyola University Health System in Maywood, Illinois. This can look like joint pain, swelling, or reduced range of motion, according to Crohn’s and Colitis Canada. Anytime you feel new or worsening symptoms, be sure to discuss it with your gastroenterologist.

Avoid taking NSAIDs. Although this is not true for everyone with UC, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin can trigger or worsen UC symptoms, Harvard Health Publishing notes. Instead, you can try acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Medication options may instead include aminosalicylates like mesalamine, corticosteroids like prednisone, immunomodulators like azathioprine, and biologics like adalimumab, according to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.

Don’t smoke. Smoking can cause many different health problems, but it’s also linked to more severe joint damage among people with inflammatory arthritis, including ankylosing spondylitis, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

Limit fatty foods. Try to avoid saturated fat (found in foods derived from animals, like butter, cheese, and meat) and trans fats (used in processed foods), which tend to increase inflammation.

Don’t let your weight creep up. When you have arthritis, extra pounds add stress to weight-bearing joints like the knee, ankle, or hip, Fischer says. Stay as physically active as possible and eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Healthy Habits for Arthritis Prevention

Adhere to your ulcerative colitis treatment plan. Treating your UC can lower your chances of developing arthritis or ease arthritis symptoms if you already have joint problems. “If you can get your colitis under very good control and quiet it down, your arthritis will quiet down,” Fischer says. Generally, while treating underlying IBD is helpful for people with axial arthritis, it is not as effective as it is for those with peripheral arthritis, according to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.

Talk to your gastroenterologist about joint pain. You might think your gastroenterologist doesn’t need to hear about your achy joints, but they should be the first person you speak to about your symptoms, Dr. Naik says.

Tell your doctor which joints are affected, whether the pain is moving from one joint to another, and if there’s swelling. You should also clarify whether your ulcerative colitis is in remission or if you’re in a flare, Naik says. Your gastroenterologist can help advise you on how to treat the symptoms. “If those things aren’t working, going to a rheumatologist can be very helpful,” he adds.

Keep moving. Range-of-motion exercises are particularly important for people with axial arthritis, but any type of regular exercise — when you’re not in a flare — can help you reduce arthritis symptoms. Yoga and tai chi, which work on range of motion, may be helpful, Naik says. He recommends wearing proper footwear and avoiding high-impact exercises.

Work with a physical therapist. Because arthritis can limit your range of motion, a physical therapist can give you a plan to improve your flexibility and strength while reducing any pain. This is an important part of your treatment plan, Fischer says.

Maintain a healthy diet. Choosing anti-inflammatory foods may help ease arthritis pain. These include foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fatty fish (salmon and mackerel, for instance), olive oil, fiber- and protein-packed beans, antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and green tea, notes the Arthritis Foundation.

You may also want to cook with or take a supplement of turmeric, Naik suggests. It contains a substance called curcumin, which may help prevent or reduce inflammation, per the Arthritis Foundation. A review published in Annals of Gastroenterology found that curcumin, when taken in conjunction with drug therapy for IBD, may help ease symptoms of mild to moderate UC.


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