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Kīhei Charter School doubles grades K-2 registration allowance to 132 students : Maui Now


February 2, 2024, 6:00 AM HST

Megan Brady, Second Grade Facilitator (red blouse), keeps a close eye on her second-grade class as they eagerly line up for a nutritious lunch at the Kīhei Charter School. (PC: Tom Blackburn-Rodriguez)

In response to the demand of Maui residents, the Kīhei Charter School announced that the upcoming school year (2024-2025) will have an additional 66 student slots for grades K-2, doubling the number of available student slots in those grades. This will bring the total number of K-2 students to 132.

The Kīhei Charter School is a public school and is tuition free. 

School applications will become available on March 1, according to Leslie Baldridge, the elementary school director. Parents can file an application for their child from March 1-31. Placement in a school lottery, which determines registration acceptance, is scheduled to take place April 4.


“This is a notable expansion of grades K-2, so applying now will be a great opportunity to get into the school,” said Head of School Michael Stubbs.

The education program for the school is based on a hands-on learning experiential model. Students learn their subjects by taking on projects and through team learning. All subjects meet national competency standards, including math, science, social studies and reading, according to school administrators.

School applications will be available at the school’s front office and on the website starting March 1. For more information on registration information, including dates and forms, go to the Kīhei Charter School website at kiheicharter.org or e-mail Raquel Balasan at [email protected].

Source: Maui News

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