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Lymphoma Symptoms: Recognizing Them Early Aids Prompt Diagnosis


Symptoms of lymphoma often depend on the type you have, what organs are involved, and how advanced your disease is. Some people with lymphoma will experience obvious signs of the disease, while others won’t notice any changes. Recognizing the symptoms of lymphoma can improve your chances of receiving a timely diagnosis and prompt treatment.
Swollen Lymph Nodes Swollen Lymph Nodes: A Common Symptom The two main types of lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and Hodgkin lymphoma, can both cause swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. Your lymph nodes are part of your immune system and work by helping to circulate lymph fluid, which contains immune cells, throughout your body. ( 1 ) There are about 600 lymph nodes in your body. ( 2 ) Enlarged lymph nodes might feel or look like lumps under the skin, which typically don’t cause discomfort. Common sites for enlarged lymph nodes include: Side of the neck Groin Underarm area Above the collarbone While enlarged lymph nodes are a symptom of lymphoma, they’re more commonly caused by infection. In other words, swollen lymph nodes don’t necessarily mean you have cancer. ( 3 , 4 )
Non-Hodgkin Symptoms Other Symptoms of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma General Symptoms Other general symptoms of NHL include: Fever, sweating, and chills Fatigue Unexplained weight loss Loss of appetite Frequent or severe infections Easy bleeding or bruising Symptoms Depending on Cancer Location NHLs that start in the abdomen can cause your spleen or liver to enlarge, which can lead to swelling or pain in that area. If the cancer affects your stomach or intestines, it can cause nausea or vomiting. Lymphomas that press on the superior vena cava, a large vein in your upper chest, can cause trouble breathing; a change in consciousness; or swelling in the neck, head, or arms. NHLs in the chest may cause pain, pressure, coughing, or trouble breathing. If the lymphoma affects your brain, it can spark headaches, trouble thinking, personality changes, weakness, or seizures. When these cancers travel to areas around the brain or spinal cord, they can trigger many neurologic issues, including double vision, trouble speaking, and facial numbness. NHLs that start in your skin can cause itchy, red or purple bumps to form. ( 3 )
Hodgkin Symptoms Other Symptoms of Hodgkin Lymphoma General Symptoms Hodgkin lymphoma may cause the following general symptoms: Fever Night sweats Unexplained weight loss Itchy skin Fatigue Loss of appetite Symptoms Depending on Cancer Location If a lymphoma affects lymph nodes in your chest, you might experience coughing, chest pain, or trouble breathing, especially when lying down. ( 4 ) B Symptoms Doctors commonly group specific signs of lymphoma together and label them B symptoms. B symptoms include the following: Fever Drenching night sweats (so bad you have to change your clothes or sheets) A loss of more than 10 percent of your total body weight over a six-month period Classifying these symptoms can help physicians give you a more accurate prognosis. ( 2 )
Other Conditions Symptoms That Overlap With Other Conditions Many symptoms of lymphoma are also present in other, less serious illnesses, such as an infection like the flu or a common cold. These shared symptoms might include swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, fever, tiredness, and other signs. One important distinction is that symptoms of a less serious problem usually won’t last long. On the other hand, symptoms of lymphoma typically persist. ( 5 )
Asymptomatic Lymphomas When There Are No Symptoms at All Some people with lymphoma don’t experience any bothersome issues, which means they’re asymptomatic. Or they might not recognize their symptoms as being severe. Individuals with the following types of lymphoma are more likely to be asymptomatic: Follicular lymphoma Small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) Marginal zone lymphoma Slow-growing subtypes of lymphoma Having no symptoms of lymphoma can make getting an early diagnosis more challenging. ( 6 )
When to See the Doctor When Should You See a Doctor for Your Symptoms? You should see your doctor if you have any unusual symptoms that don’t go away. Your symptoms are most likely caused by something else, but it’s important to get checked out just in case. Your practitioner will probably perform a physical exam to check for swollen lymph nodes and any other possible signs of the disease. If your physician thinks your symptoms might be lymphoma, he or she will likely order additional tests and may get a biopsy of a lymph node. Depending on the results of these tests, you might be sent to a specialist, such as a hematologist or oncologist. Regular checkups are especially important for people who are at a greater risk of developing lymphoma, such as those with an autoimmune disease, someone who’s had previous cancer treatment, or an individual with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). ( 7 ) Questions Your Doc Might Ask During the Appointment To determine if your symptoms are caused by lymphoma, your healthcare provider might ask you the following questions: What are your symptoms? When did your symptoms start and how long have they persisted? How severe are your symptoms? Do your symptoms come and go or are they consistent? Does anything you do tend to improve or worsen your symptoms? What other medical conditions do you have? Have you ever had any type of autoimmune disorder? Has anyone in your family ever had cancer? If so, what type? Have you or your family members ever been exposed to toxins? What medication are you taking? It’s a good idea to write down your symptoms, any questions you have, and all the medicines you take before seeing your doctor. Sometimes, having a family member or close friend accompany you to your appointment is also helpful. ( 8 ) Why It’s So Important to Spot Symptoms The best way to identify lymphoma early on is to report any possible symptoms to your doctor. Just like with other cancers, diagnosing lymphoma in its early stages can lead to a better outcome. The sooner you can get an accurate diagnosis, the earlier you can start on effective treatments. ( 7 )


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