
Managing Chronic Illness During Cold and Flu Season: Tips for Parents


Having a chronic illness can make you more prone to getting sick, especially during the cold and flu season. In recent flu seasons, 9 out of 10 people hospitalized with the flu had at least one underlying health condition, reports the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. Certain conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, can weaken the immune system, making you more likely to catch a virus that is going around. In other cases, treatments can cause the immune system to be compromised. Sometimes it is a combination of the two.

For people with chronic conditions, cold and flu season brings on extra stress and anxiety and that feeling gets magnified when you have kids. Research has found that kids are more vulnerable to infection — and so are you. When they bring home a cold, you’re likely to get sick as well. This leaves you caring for your little one as well as yourself. And having a weakened immune system may cause you to experience more severe symptoms and a longer recovery time.

As a parent with a chronic illness, I have experienced first hand the challenges of caring for sick children while being sick myself. When I am suffering from severe Crohn’s symptoms it can be challenging both physically and mentally for me to keep up with the needs of my sick children. Oftentimes an illness can cause my condition to flare, which further prolongs the time I am out of commission.

This predicament is one that parents try to avoid at all costs, but how do we do that?


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