
Multiple Doctors Failed to Diagnose Her Heart Failure — so She Made Them  


Marian Dancy started to notice strange symptoms about six months after she gave birth to her fourth child. She dismissed the swelling throughout her body and her fatigue as a normal part of postpartum life, a side effect of her hormones returning to normal.

But one day, Dancy, who lives in Columbus, Ohio, stepped off an elevator on her way to work and lost her vision for a few moments. This prompted Dancy, who was 35 at the time, to see her doctor.

Her doctor said she was healthy, but her condition worsened over the next few weeks. Dancy experienced muscle fatigue and chest congestion with no cough. She had trouble lying down because it caused shortness of breath. Her swelling and fatigue got worse. But when she sought help, this time through a telehealth appointment, she was told that nothing in her personal or family medical history was concerning, so she should just keep an eye on her symptoms.

She did, and shortly started experiencing her symptoms every day, this time with persistent shortness of breath. She went to the emergency room, and was diagnosed with pneumonia. When she asked how a young, healthy person could have pneumonia, she didn’t get an answer.


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