
Potatoes 101: A Complete Guide


When it comes to versatility in a vegetable, it’s tough to top the potato. You can bake them, boil them, or roast them. You can chop them for home fries or shred them for hash browns. You can mash them, add them to soups, or make them into salads. And they’re a tried-and-true side dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But years of low-carb diets have convinced a lot of people that these root vegetables aren’t as virtuous as other kinds of produce. And that’s too bad, says Samantha Cassetty, RD , the New York City–based coauthor of Sugar Shock . “I really hate when we hate on potatoes. They store well, they’re inexpensive, they provide nutrition, and people like them,” she says. “I’d rather steer people toward healthy ways to cook and eat them rather than eliminate them from someone’s diet.” Nutritionally, potatoes have a lot more to offer than the label of a bag of potato chips or frozen french fries might lead you to believe. “We’re encouraged to ‘eat the rainbow’ when it comes to fruits and vegetables, and often white foods are overlooked,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN , the creator of and author of Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You From Label to Table . “The potato is one of those white foods that really contributes tremendous value to our diet. Sometimes we need to think about white as a color as well,” she says. The nutrients in potatoes have been shown to fight cancer, heart disease, inflammation, obesity, diabetes, and more, according to ” The Potato and Its Contribution to the Human Diet and Health ,” a chapter in a comprehensive book on this staple crop. Read on to discover why dietitians are fans of spuds, and learn the healthiest ways to prepare and eat them.
What Are Potatoes? Definition Potatoes are root vegetables that come from a plant in the Solanaceae family, which includes other nightshade vegetables like tomatoes and eggplants, according to Britannica . Potatoes may also be called tubers, which refers to the fleshy part of a plant’s underground stem that stores energy. While potatoes were first cultivated in the Andes region of South America, they’ve spread to the rest of the world, according to The Potato and Its Contribution to the Human Diet and Health . People in many developed countries treat potatoes as a side dish. But in some areas, it’s a staple crop, and people eat up to 1.75 pounds of potatoes daily. Potatoes were grown at least 1,800 years ago and brought to Europe by the Spanish, per Britannica. By the end of the 1600s, they were a key crop in Ireland, and they are now one of the leading food crops in the world. There are more than 4,000 varieties of potatoes, reports the International Potato Center . Many types grow to be a bit over half a pound each, but some varieties can weigh more than three pounds. You can find potatoes with skin that ranges from pale brown to deep purple and flesh that can be white, yellow, or purple.
Types of Potatoes Types Whether you’re shopping in a supermarket or a farmer’s market, you’re likely to encounter different types of potatoes. According to UC Davis Health , some of the most common are: Fingerlings, which are small potatoes shaped like stubby fingers Russets, which are large with dark brown skin and white flesh White potatoes and red potatoes, which have white or red skin and can come in a range of sizes Purple potatoes, which have dark skin and purple flesh inside You’ll want to choose the right type of potato for the way you’re going to prepare and eat them. America’s Test Kitchen classifies potatoes into three categories: High starch/low moisture Russet potatoes fall into this category. They are good for baking, and for thickening soup, since they absorb a lot of water. They don’t hold their shape well in soups or stews, though. Medium starch Potatoes like Yukon golds and yellow Finns don’t break down as quickly in soups and stews, but they can still soften somewhat. They fall in the midpoint between high starch and low starch potatoes and are sometimes called general-purpose potatoes. Low starch/high moisture This group includes Red Bliss and new potatoes. They hold their shape better than other types of potatoes when they are simmered.
Potato Nutrition Facts Nutrition While sweet potatoes tend to get all the glory as a health food, their paler cousins have a lot to offer nutritionally as well. Potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and have even more per serving than bananas, a food that people often associate with that mineral. People in the United States don’t get as much potassium as they should — in fact, it’s considered a “nutrient of public health concern,” according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) . Per the USDA , a medium potato with the skin on contains: Calories 164 Protein 4.4 g Fat 0.2 g Carbohydrates 37 g Fiber 4.5 g Sugars 1.7 g Calcium 25 mg Iron 1.7 mg Potassium 905 mg Sodium 12.8 mg
Potential Health Benefits of Potatoes Benefits Like other whole, plant-based foods, potatoes — at least in their lesser-processed forms — are loaded with nutrients and can be part of a healthy diet. “You get a lot of bang for your buck with potatoes,” Cassetty says. The following are some of the benefits associated with eating potatoes. Improved Diet Quality Potatoes are a source of several key nutrients, including vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, and potassium. That may be why several studies have found potatoes were associated with better diet quality in general. One analysis of national data found that adolescents who regularly ate potatoes also ate more vegetables overall, and had higher intakes of fiber, protein, and a plethora of vitamins and minerals than nonconsumers, according to study results published in Nutrients in July 2021 . Another, smaller study of 50 adults, which was published in the British Journal of Nutrition in January 2020 , found similar effects in adults: When they ate a nonfried potato side dish daily for four weeks, their diet quality was better, particularly in fiber and vitamin K, than when they ate the same diet with a refined grain side dish. Cardiovascular Health Conventionally, a heart-healthy diet has recommended limiting potatoes, but that may be changing. Researchers examined data on more than 2,500 adults age 30 and older and found no association between potato consumption — regardless of how they were cooked — and cardiometabolic disease risk, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science in September 2022 . And, in fact, a more recent large-scale Japanese study published in the European Journal of Nutrition in March 2023 found that women who included potatoes in their diet had a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Better Gut Health In addition to the other nutrients they contain, potatoes are a source of what is known as resistant starch , a type of carbohydrate that acts as a prebiotic . Prebiotics are part of a healthy gut microbiome , which research has shown can influence health — and not just digestive health — in many ways. One small study of 50 adults published in Nutrients in February 2022 found that one potato-based side dish a day caused modest increases to the diversity of bacteria in the gut. Resistant starch has also been linked to better digestive health and lower risk of colon cancer, according to a review of literature published in the Journal of Functional Foods in June 2022 . There’s more resistant starch in potatoes that are cooked, then cooled, as with potato salad, though reheating doesn’t decrease the resistant starch, according to the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide to Diabetes . Improved Glycemic Control Research results conflict on whether potatoes increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Potatoes are considered a high-glycemic food, and some past research found an association between the number of servings per week of potatoes and an increased risk of the metabolic disorder. But even that meta-analysis found that the cooking method mattered: An additional three servings of french fries per week led to more than six times the increased risk of diabetes as three servings of nonfried potatoes. A study published in Diabetes Care in February 2023 reported similar findings, noting that mashed potatoes (which are often prepared with a lot of butter), french fries, and potato chips were associated with type 2 diabetes, but that total potato intake was not significantly associated with risk for the disease after accounting for underlying dietary patterns. These results could be explained by the fact that the amount of resistant starch in potatoes is affected by cooking, and resistant starch has been found to blunt the usual effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar. A study published in Foods in August 2022 found that baked tubers had a significantly lower glycemic index because of the increase in resistant starch, and that higher amounts of starch tend to elicit a lower GI response.
Can Potatoes Help With Weight Loss? Weight Loss Dietitians are leery of singling out individual foods and linking them to weight loss. “Weight loss isn’t a matter of calories in, calories out. It’s complicated. But potatoes can be part of a weight loss diet when they’re prepared and eaten in a healthy manner,” Cassetty says. “People like potatoes, so they’re a way to get your fiber and nutrients in a way that’s mentally and physically satisfying.” Past research has found that potatoes can actually be a very satiating food, possibly because of their fiber and resistant starch, a carbohydrate that acts like fiber. In one small study, the 14 participants reported feeling fuller after eating potatoes than they did after eating white rice or pasta that contained that same amount of carbohydrates. “People think if they want to lose weight, they have to cut out potatoes, but the potato itself is not very high in calories,” says Taub-Dix. “It’s toppings like butter, sour cream, and bacon that are caloric.” A small study with 36 participants that was published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in December 2022 found that people with insulin resistance who ate a low-calorie diet high in potatoes for eight weeks reduced their insulin resistance and lost weight. (Those who ate beans rather than potatoes experienced a similar effect.) Again, these results may be due to the resistant starch and fiber in potatoes. A meta-analysis published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN in February 2021 found that people who ate more resistant starch saw decreases in their appetites. And research from July 2021 in Trends in Food Science & Technology stated that increased dietary fiber increases satiety. Here are a few ways to work potatoes into a healthy diet. Pair them with other healthful foods like lean proteins, healthy fats, and nonstarchy vegetables. “That’s the type of meal that contributes to weight loss,” Cassetty says. Keep your portion sizes in mind, and be mindful of your toppings. Choose them as a source of energy. “Carbohydrates from wholesome, whole-food sources are your mind and body’s preferred source of energy. So they can fuel your physical activity, your recovery, and your mental performance,” Cassetty says.
How to Select and Store Potatoes Select and Store Potatoes are generally budget-friendly. You can often find them for less than $1 per pound, sometimes much less. So, they’re a healthy and affordable addition to your diet. Here’s what to know about choosing them. Selection According to the USDA , potatoes are in season during the fall and winter. But you’ll find them available in supermarkets all year long. When shopping for fresh potatoes, choose clean, smooth, firm potatoes that aren’t cut, bruised, or discolored, according to Have a Plant . Storage Store them in a cool, dark place that’s well-ventilated, in a perforated plastic bag or a paper bag. Have a Plant says that if you store potatoes in the refrigerator, the starch can convert to sugar, so they will have a sweet taste and become discolored. You don’t want them under the sink or near large appliances, since they could get hot. And if you leave them out on a countertop, they could get too much light. According to if you store potatoes in the pantry, they can last for up to two months. If you store them in the refrigerator, you should use them within one to two weeks.
How to Eat Potatoes How to Eat Cassetty says that potatoes should play the same role on your plate as other starchy foods, such as peas, rice, and pasta. And you want to right-size your portions of these carbohydrate-containing foods. “I always talk about carbs as being team players, because they operate best when you pair them with protein and fat, since that slows their absorption into your bloodstream,” she says. “The ratio you’re looking for is half a plate of nonstarchy vegetables, and then smaller portions of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats for the other half of your plate.” Taub-Dix says her favorite way to prepare potatoes is to bake them and top them with Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or ricotta cheese and seasonings. Other options include black beans, salsa, and avocado. She also likes to roast them with a sprinkle of olive oil or avocado oil and a lot of seasonings. You can also roast potatoes and other veggies together on a sheet pan, so you get a lot of flavor. To cook potatoes for mashed potatoes or potato salad, Taub-Dix suggests baking them or cooking them in the microwave instead of boiling them. That way, you don’t lose the nutrients in the water. The aforementioned book chapter says a lot of the vitamin C and B6 is lost through cooking. Boiling them with the skin on preserves some of those nutrients, though. Mashed potatoes often have high amounts of fat from butter and cream. “If you like mashed potatoes or stuffed potatoes, you don’t need to worry about eating them on occasion. If they’re only showing up at holiday meals, I wouldn’t worry about it,” Cassetty said. “But if they are showing up repeatedly on your plate, you might want to think about experimenting with healthier ingredients, like Greek yogurt instead of sour cream or a vegetable broth over butter. There are ways you can healthify those dishes.” And what about french fries? They’re fried in oil or fat, so they’re a higher-calorie way to eat potatoes — about five times higher, according to “The Potato and Its Contribution.” But they still contain fiber and the nutrition of the potato. “I would say that eating french fries every day may not be a good idea if you’re trying to control your weight,” Taub-Dix said. “But french fries certainly can be enjoyed, and they do have value.” She recommends checking the ingredients list for fast-food or frozen fries, so you know what type of fat they’re fried in and whether they have additives or high sodium levels.
Health Risks of Potatoes Risks Potatoes are nutritious vegetables that don’t pose many health risks. But there are a few things to be aware of. Potatoes that are green can contain an alkaloid called solanine that’s toxic in high concentrations, so if your potatoes are turning green, it’s better to cut off the green parts or throw the potatoes out. Solanine can trigger symptoms like headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, according to Michigan State University . If potatoes are sprouting eyes, they’re probably past their prime and might not be safe to eat. “I hate food waste, but I also don’t like taking chances with food,” Taub-Dix says. If you have diabetes or need to control your carb intake, you want to be mindful of portion sizes with potatoes. While many studies tout the health benefits of potatoes, research isn’t entirely clear. A meta-analysis published in Systematic Reviews in December 2020 found an association between potato intake and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It noted that future research needs to evaluate how potatoes are prepared and what else is eaten with them. Is It Possible to Be Allergic to Potatoes? Cassetty said it’s not very common to have a potato allergy. If you have allergies to birch protein, you might experience a similar reaction and notice itching in your mouth. Past research noted the link between birch pollen allergy and potato allergy. “If you’ve eaten potato chips and never noticed a problem, you should be fine eating a baked potato,” Cassetty said. If you’ve noticed any reactions, you should talk to your doctor.
Summary Summary Potatoes have been a staple of the human diet for at least 1,800 years, and there are many good reasons we’ve been eating this vegetable for so long. They’re delicious, versatile, long-lasting, inexpensive, and loaded with health-promoting nutrients. If you’ve been avoiding potatoes because of their white-food, high-carb reputation, it might be time to give them another chance.


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