
Over 40 Percent of Americans With High Cholesterol Unaware They Have It


When it comes to high cholesterol in America, there’s good news and bad news.

While the number of U.S. adults with unhealthy levels of “bad” cholesterol has been dropping, a new scientific analysis finds that over 40 percent of people with high cholesterol don’t realize they have it — and are not getting treatment to improve it.

“Although the prevalence of severely elevated LDL-C (bad cholesterol) has declined, 1 in 17 U.S. adults still have LDL-C levels of 160 to 189 mg/dL [high cholesterol] and 1 in 48 adults have LDL-C levels of 190 mg/dL or greater [extremely high],” write the study authors.

Millions Are Unaware and Untreated for High Cholesterol

For the research, published in JAMA Cardiology this month, senior study author Salim Virani, MD, and colleagues reviewed health information on about 24,000 people ages 20 and older who were included in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.


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