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Phases, Symptoms, and Period Tracking


Period Tracking

If you’re trying to get pregnant, keeping a record of your period can help you figure out when you’re ovulating and whether your period is late.

Tracking periods can also help you spot any irregularities or changes to your menstrual cycle. Experts recommend marking each day of your period with an “X” on a calendar. Note any pain or changes in flow.

There are many websites and apps that offer free period trackers or period calculators. Be aware, though, that many period-tracking apps have been found to be inaccurate, according to a review published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.

But if you’re interested in trying period trackers, consider the following:


One of the most popular period tracking apps, Flo allows you to log dozens of symptoms and activities, from sleep to how much water you’re drinking to discharge color, and more. Taken together, these logs can help predict when your period (and ovulation) should come next.

Spot On From Planned Parenthood 

The app is a birth control, period, and fertility tracker that can help you keep tabs on spotting, flow intensity, and other cycle nuances, as well as track various birth control methods, including the pill, patch, ring, shot, IUD, and implant. You’ll receive regular birth control reminders and notifications and you’ll be able to log how you’re feeling throughout your cycle.


Available as an app or on the web, OvaGraph is a good option if you’re trying to conceive. The program allows you to track all your natural signs of fertility, including basal body temperature, vaginal sensations, menstrual cycle timing, cervical mucus, cervical position, and more. All of this information together gives you the greatest odds of correctly predicting your date of ovulation.

Natural Cycles 

Cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a form of contraception in 2018, Natural Cycles is a digital birth control method that predicts fertility status with your basal body temperature.

Each morning, you take your temperature when you wake up, and the app indicates whether your body temperature makes you likely to conceive (indicated in red) or not (green). According to its website, the company claims the app is 93 percent effective as a birth control option with typical use.


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