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Sen. McKelvey thanks President Biden for signing bill allowing COFA migrants to access emergency aid : Maui Now


March 14, 2024, 12:00 PM HST

Foreground image: Sen. Angus McKelvey. Background image: Senate Chamber. File photo PC: Hawaiʻi State Senate.

In response to the August 2023 Wildfires, Sen. Angus McKelvey (District 6, West Maui, Māʻalaea, Waikapū, South Maui) introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 223, urging the United States Congress to pass legislation that would allow COFA migrants to benefit from federal emergency aid. 

On Saturday, March 9, President Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, into law, which in part, restores federal benefits to Compact of Free Association migrants. One specific result of the restoration of federal benefits is that COFA migrants will also have access to federal emergency aid.

In light of this bill being signed, Sen. McKelvey issued the following statement: “Survivors of the Lahaina wildfire include COFA migrants, and the lack of access to federal emergency aid has limited the ways these survivors recover from tragedy. It’s good to see the federal government set up and live up to their responsibilities to COFA migrants. I am confident and encouraged that this action by Congress and President Biden will hasten and broaden the recovery of our community as a whole. Funding aid for COFA residents since the tragedy has been a burden to our State and this action will help free up these funds to further assist our local residents.”

Source: Maui News

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