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Spotlight On: Young Adult Survivors United


The creation of Young Adult Survivors United (YASU) is a story of an optimist and an age group lost and found.

The optimist is Stephanie Samolovitch, the founder and executive director of the Pittsburgh-based organization, who calls all young adults with cancer “survivors” from their day of diagnosis.

In 2005, about to turn 20 and start her junior year in college, Samolovitch suddenly faced life-threatening leukemia and what she found to be a healthcare system that fully addressed her medical needs but not her emotional and mental turmoil.

“No one talked to me, for example, about the risks of infertility from cancer treatments or about financial toxicity — the bills, lack of employment, the health insurance shortfalls that could throw not just me, but my parents into medical debt,” Samolovitch says.


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