
New Pill for Tough-to-Treat High Blood Pressure Gets FDA OK


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new type of medicine for people who aren’t able to control their high blood pressure with other drugs.

Tryvio (aprocitentan) is a targeted therapy in a family of medicines known as endothelin receptor antagonists that work by blocking activity inside blood vessels that can cause them to narrow, increasing blood pressure. It’s the first pill that works this way to help manage blood pressure, its developer, Idorsia, said in a statement.

The FDA approved Tryvio for use in combination with older blood pressure drugs when these medicines aren’t working well enough on their own.

“Today, there are millions of Americans whose blood pressure is not well-controlled despite existing therapies,” said Jean-Paul Clozel, MD, the chief executive officer of Idorsia, in the statement. “This is a major public health issue leading to a high incidence of cardio- and cerebrovascular events.”

Endothelin is a hormone that’s involved in regulating blood vessel movements and causes what’s known as vasoconstriction, or narrowing of blood vessels. By blocking this hormone, Tryvio promotes vasodilation, or relaxation of blood vessels.

“This dilation helps to lower blood pressure by reducing resistance to blood flow through the vessels, ultimately decreasing the workload on the heart,” says Gaetano Santulli, MD, PhD, an associate professor of cardiology at Montefiore University Hospital at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.


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