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The Impact of Menopause on Gut Microbiome


Once you’re in menopause, symptoms like hot flashes, poor sleep, and mood swings can likely occur. But researchers have started to notice that the gut microbiome starts to change too. And the changes are starting to raise eyebrows.

“We know the microbiome changes before and after menopause, but we’re still not sure what the implications are for our health,” says Rabia De Latour, MD, a GI specialist at NYU Langone Health in New York City. “It’s fascinating that there is a connection between gut bacteria and a woman’s changing hormones, but the research is in its infancy so we can’t say that gaining or losing a certain strain of bacteria is part of healthy aging.”

Dr. De Latour stresses that although menopause is associated with a change in which bacteria thrive in your intestines, it is still possible to maintain a healthy gut microbiome with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, an active lifestyle, and by avoiding stress the best you can.

Why Aim for a Healthy Gut Microbiome?

The gut microbiome is integral to holistic health. After all, the trillions of bacteria, known as the gut flora, populating our intestines have the potential to preserve our health and improve our mood. Research suggests that our gut bugs play a vital role in a range of conditions, including obesity, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, and cardiovascular disease.


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